John Sullivan

Software Engineer | Walmart via Insight Global

March 2021 - September 2021, August 2023 - September 2023

Clojure-based event sourcing, Kafka, Grafana, CI/CD on Kubernetes

  • Creating solutions for pushing real-time updates of price information to stores through the Walmart chain
  • Maintaining and improving a customized, large-scale event sourcing pipeline
  • Adding visibility to production performance through Grafana dashboards & alerts
  • Designed strategies for app deployment and orchestration on Kubernetes

Staff Engineer | yU+co

January 2022 - February 2024

IT & Network Admin/Automation, Ansible, Active Directory, AWS Deadline (Cinema 4d/AfterEffects), Fullstack web, Python data scraping

  • Responsible for maintenance and development of studio production infrastructure: internal networks, web presence, central storage, render farm, etc
  • Implemented policy and practice for studio asset security
  • Provided on-call technical support, resolving hardware and software issues to meet deadlines
  • Added IT infrastructure and policy for managed computer usage, configuration management, and other pipeline automation for projects
  • Engineering consultant for various internal and external projects, guidance for building sustainable systems

Software Engineer II | Capture2

July 2018 - August 2019

SaSS application on ASP.NET, Frontend JavaScript, React, Java-Spring/Python/ASP.NET Core microservices, Azure Automation & Containerization (Docker, Ansible), SQL Server persistence and ETL, Elasticsearch document indexing and search performance (Kibana)

  • Deployed and maintained a set of polyglot backend REST API services which added critical features
  • Created reporting integrations for Microsoft Office using ReactJs, allows customers to create reports using tools they're already familiar with
  • Implemented a search-by-location capability for govt business opportunities, allowing customers to easily find opportunities in places relevant to their business
  • Eliminated wasted time and human error from manually deploying backbone architecture by automating deployment of all application-supporting services
  • Used Kibana to identify performance bottlenecks in Elasticsearch and improve customer experience

Freelance Software Developer

January 2020 - March 2021, September 2021

Fullstack JavaScript, React, Svelte, ClojureScript, PHP, Nodejs, MySQL, ASP.NET Core, CMS/Hugo, Cloud native AWS/Azure

  • Provide technical services to clients, such as backend software or web development
  • Determine scope and outcomes for client projects
  • Consulting for frontend design testing, software installation and operations, hosting, recurring costs, etc
  • Delivered such products as a scheduler for an interactive LED display at the LA Music Center, custom web applications for clients like the Fowler Museum at UCLA, client portfolio websites, and more

Undergrad Researcher | CSUMB-UROC Research Internship

May 2016 - August 2017

Python Data Science stack, scikit, pandas, TensorFlow, RStudio, Unity Game Engine, Virtual Reality R&D

  • Synthesized original research in computer input peripherals
  • Used data science methodologies to test signal processing and classification techniques for gesture recognition
  • Assisted in other VR/peripheral related projects in a cooperative lab environment, particularly in sysadmin and creating solutions with the Unity game engine

Teaching Assistant | TA++ Program, CSUMB School of Computing and Design

August 2016 - June 2018

  • Delivered quality instructional assistance to the Intro, Multimedia, and Web programming classes
  • Advised students on technical considerations for python multimedia projects
  • Collaborated on an engaging intro programming curriculum including in class labs, study sessions, and extracurricular activities
  • Directed Peer-Led-Team-Learning sessions that improved student cooperation and practical problem-solving skills


B.S. Computer Science, CSU Monterey Bay, May 2018

Date: 1996-05-01 Wed 00:00

Author: john

Created: 2025-02-22 Sat 23:18
